H₂LiftShips, a balloon based cheap space flight system
SciFi, because why not?
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Latest Review:
A long-winded but compelling comic adventure
...SF premise that calls to mind James S.A. Corey’s popular Expanse novels, and one that Freeman exploits with verve and maximum readability
...worldbuilding is energetic and intriguing enough to keep readers turning pages.
— Kirkus Reviews
"The only constant is change, and it’s a variable"™
The good news is that humans are highly adaptable until, like the frog, there is nothing more to adapt.
The bad news, see above:
The point is to not think outside of the box, but to be in a different box, looking at all of the other boxes.
Being able to point and laugh from your “outside” box is just an extra bonus feature.
How a discrepant works
Take a bell shaped graph.
Draw it with white ink.
Now roll a ball inside that expands and contracts to continually define the graph.
There is a hole in the ball and when it hits the graph add a yellow mark.
Add another ball inside the first one, using the same design parameters, spinning in different directions and at different speeds.
When that hole touches the graph, place a blue mark.
Green, when both holes meet, is a discrepant or black swan event.
But these holes also meet off the main graph, pointing in different directions, some bending the graph, others just dissipating. into the ether.
All photography and text, Copyright © 2021 by Bob Freeman, All Rights Reserved.
Additional photos may be seen at www.bfreemanphoto.com
Random photo from www.bobfreemanphoto.com
If space is the future, sending a few people on top of a burning Hydrogen+Oxygen rocket engine is expensive and dangerous.
We are proposing using the same Hydrogen+Oxygen paradigm to make something that is not as expensive, but still very dangerous.
Hydrogen for lift (balloon), Oxygen + Hydrogen for boost and the empty shell for a solar sail.
Even if we can only lift small weights out of the atmosphere, the cost would be significantly less than a rocket designed for warfare and modified for travel.
Read it as a SciFi Story
“H2LiftShips, a tech manual for a future”
Imagine a world, exactly like ours, but different
The story starts with a look at Sol’s inhabitants living on its many rocks and using Solar Sail empowered space ships.
We explore the structure and problems of that environment. Future past history shows how this society came into existence and its path forward.
The second part, “H2LiftShips, the journey,” has our protagonists, Jack and Tang, working with a boost crew to cross the empty divide between two H2LiftShips just beyond Earth’s space before space.
We look at the design and functionality of the H2LiftShips, how the crews interact, and introduce the roles and actions of senior crew members.