Preservation of our Asteroid Belt History
While some Asteroids seem to impinge on Earth at inopportune times, we still need to consider the future.
Yes, it is a little early to worry about preservation, since we can barely get off this planet. Still, with colonization and mining of the asteroid belt by humans and robots, now is the time to conserve an area for future generations, if we have any.
The tricky part is to define where the Park starts and ends. The asteroids are obviously not static, and if you pick an area, there is no way to determine if the original selection will stay put.
Perhaps the best way is to set down a marker on selected asteroid species (in the inorganic sense) to make them off-limits to development. Fine characterization of types can be done remotely and re-defined when we get there, but ignoring the issue will result in exploitation of historically significant information, just like we do on Earth.